Omar M. Yaghi, professor from University of California, Berkeley and director for the Material Science Department at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, gave the 167th lecture for “Centurial Lanzhou University, Renown Celebrity Lectures” in Lanzhou University for the invitation from LZU. The schoolmaster Chunhua Yan met professor Yaghi at the VIP room of the Student Activity Center in Chengguan Campus at 10:00 a.m., April 22.
Professor Yaghi began his lecture themed as “MOFs for Harvesting Water from Desert Air” at 10:30 at the school auditorium of the Student Activity Center. The event was hosted by Mr. Yan. In the beginning, professor Yaghi extended his sincere congratulations for the 110th anniversary of Lanzhou University. Then under the guidance of Reticular Chemistry, he revealed the current development and problems of crystalline porous materials. The content of his speech ranged from the origin, structural design and controllable preparation of MOFs materials to the exploration for practical applications of this kind of materials on reducing the global emission of CO2. Professor Yaghi pointed out that by only relying on the solar power, the MOFs materials they have designed could harvest purified water from the air of a desert. This amazing solar water fountain brings hope for solving the problem of drinking water shortage in arid regions, and it can even collect moisture in the desert.
When the lecture came to an end, the staff and students present asked questions eagerly and professor Yaghi gave his explanations patiently. The hall enjoyed a warm atmosphere.
Omar M. Yaghi is the James and Neeltje Tretter Endowed Chair at University of California, Berkeley and director for the Material Science Department at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Yaghi received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois-Urbana in 1990 and became a postdoctor at Harvard University in the same year. He worked as an assistant professor of Arizona State University from 1992 to 1998, a professor at University of Michigan from 1999 to 2006 and at University of California, Los Angeles from 2006 to 2011. He has been the James and Neeltje Tretter Endowed Chair at University of California, Berkeley and a scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory since 2012. Currently he is an associate editor of Journal of American Chemistry Society.
Professor Yaghi is the pioneer and founder of several research fields, such as MOFs, ZIFs, COFs and so on. He made an in-depth and systematic research in the synthesis of functional porous materials and their practical applications in the fields like energy storage and environmental protection, and has achieved outstanding results. He has published over 270 academic articles, including 29 in Science and Nature, and his articles have been cited for more than 137,ooo times. His H index(143) is ranked the second among those of the world chemists. Professor Yaghi was listed among the “Brilliant 10” American scientists by Popular Science Magazine in 2006. Since 2006, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for many times.
Important awards: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Gregori Aminoff Prize, Sweden (2019); Wolf Prize in Chemistry, Israel (2018); Eni Award for Energy, Italy (2018); Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water, Saudi Arabia (2018); BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences, Spain (2018); Kuwait Prize in Basic Sciences, Kuwait (2017); Albert Einstein World Award of Science, World Cultural Council (2017); Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry International Award, Japan (2017); King Abdullah II Order of Distinction of the First Class, Jordan (2017); Royal Society of Chemistry Spiers Memorial Award, United Kingdom (2017); Bailar Medal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States (2017); TÜBA Academy Prize in Basic and Engineering Sciences, Turkey (2016); Mack Award, Ohio State University, United States (2016); Mustafa Prize in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Iran (2015); UNICAM Award, University of Camerino, Italy (2015); King Faisal International Prize in Science, Saudi Arabia (2015); China Nano Award, China (2013); Royal Society of Chemistry Centenary Prize, United Kingdom (2010); Izatt-Christensen International Award in Macrocyclic Chemistry, United States (2009); American Chemical Society Award in the Chemistry of Materials, United States (2009); AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize, United States (2008); Materials Research Society Medal, United States (2007); DOE Hydrogen Program R&D Award for Outstanding Achievements, United States (2007); Sacconi Medal, Italian Chemical Society, Italy (2004); American Chemical Society Exxon Solid State Chemistry Award, United States (1998); NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award, United States (1997).