2024 甘肃省科技进步二等奖
2023 甘肃省领军人才(第一层次)
2021 甘肃省教学成果一等奖、
2020 甘肃省高等学校创新创业教育名师
1. Self-powered enzyme-linked microneedle patch for scar-prevention healing of diabetic wounds. Zhang, X.; Wang, Z.; Jiang, H.; Zeng, H.; An, N.; Liu, B.; Sun, L.; Fan, Z,. SCI ADV 2023, 9, 28.
2. Fabrication of three-dimensional printed hybrid graphene oxide/calcium alginate network by 3D printing technology with outstanding U(VI) recycling capacity in acidic solution. Song, F.; Niu, Y.; Wang, N.; Chen, W.; Xie, W.; Liu, B. Chem Eng J 2023, 457.
3. 3D printing calcium alginate adsorbents for highly efficient recovery of U(VI) in acidic conditions. Song, F.; Wang, N.; Zhang Q.; Jie, W.; Liu, B¬. J Hazard Mater 2022, 440, 129774.
4. 3D Printed Piezoelectric Wound Dressing with Dual Piezoelectric Response Models for Scar-Prevention Wound Healing. Liang, J.; Zeng, H.; Qiao, L.; Jiang, H.; Ye, Q.; Wang, Z.; Liu, B.; Fan, Z. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2022, 14, 27, 30507-30522.
5. Chitosan-lactobionic acid-thioctic acid-modified hollow mesoporous silica composite loaded with carborane for boron neutron capture therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Zhang, T.; Xu, D.; Yi, Y.; Wang, Y.; Cui, Z.; Chen, X.; Ma, Q.; Song, F.; Zhu, B.; Zhao, Z.; Cao, J.; He, D.; Chen, X.; Liu, B. Materials & Design 2022, 223.
6. Near-Infrared Light-Triggered Unfolding Microneedle Patch for Minimally Invasive Treatment of Myocardial Ischemia. Fan, Z.; Wei, Y.; Yin, Z.; Huang, H.; Liao, X.; Sun, L.; Liu, B.; Liu, F. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2021, 13, 34, 40278-40289.
7. Three-dimensional-printed hierarchical reduced graphene oxide/ethylenediamine filter with super-high uranyl ions with recycling capacity and unique selectivity. Song, F.; Zhang J.; Du, T.; Wang, N.; Wang Z.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, B.; Zhang Q. Carbon 2021, 182, 1-10.
8. Sprayable methacrylic anhydride-modified gelatin hydrogel combined with bionic neutrophils nanoparticles for scar-free wound healing of diabetes mellitus. Liu, C.; Zeng, H.; Chen, Z.; Ge, Z.; Wang, B.; Liu, B.; Fan, Z. Int J Biol Macromol 2022, 202, 418-430.
9. Boron nitride nanosheets modified with zinc oxide nanoparticles as novel fillers of dental resin composite. Alansy, A. S.; Saeed, T. A.; Al-Attab, R.; Guo, Y.; Yang, Y.; Liu, B.; Fan, Z. Dent Mater 2022, 38 , 10, e266-e274.
10. Polydimethylsiloxane-Based Mechanoluminescent Occlusal Splint with the Visualization of Occlusal Force. Han, Y.; Bai, Y.; Bian, J.; Guo, X.; Liu, B.; Wang, Z. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2021, 3 , 10, 5180-5187.
11. 一种生物医用石墨烯分散液的制备装置及其制备方法 发明专利 ZL 2021 1 0133499.3
12. 碳硼烷基塞来昔布及其制备和在头颈癌硼中子俘获治疗药物中的应用 发明专利 ZL 2020 1 1268512.8
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