应功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室邀请,日本东京大学Motomu Kanai教授来我校进行学术交流并讲学,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。
报 告 人:Motomu Kanai教授
报告题目:Cu(I)-Catalyzed C–C Bond-Formations: Asymmetric Catalysis, Carbohydrate Derivatization, and Redox Catalysis
报告时间:2012年 6月28日(星期四)上午10:00
报告地点: 兰州大学第二化学楼101报告厅
Motomu Kanai教授简历
1989:Graduated from The University of Tokyo (Professor K. Koga)
1991:Master degree (The University of Tokyo (Professor K. Koga)): Total Synthesis of Antineoplastic Natural
Product, Dolastatin 10.
1992:Research associate in Osaka University (Professor K. Tomioka)
1995:Ph. D. (Osaka University (Professor K. Tomioka)): Enantioselective Conjugate Addition Reactions of
Organocopper Reagents.
1996-1997:Post doctoral work at University of Wisconsin (Professor Laura L. Kiessling): Probing Multivalent
Interactions between Carbohydrates and Proteins by ROMP Carbohydrate Polymers.
1997-2000:Assistant professor in The University of Tokyo (Professor M. Shibasaki)
2000-2003:Lecturer in The University of Tokyo (Professor M. Shibasaki)
2001-2004:Principal Investigator of PRESTO “Synthesis and Control”
2003-2010:Associate professor in The University of Tokyo (Professor M. Shibasaki)
2010-:Professor in The University of Tokyo
2000: (Pfizer) Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
2001: The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Award for Young Scientists
2003: Thieme Journals Award 2003 (2003)
2005: Merck-Banyu Lectureship Award
2005: Award for Excellence at Poster Presentation, 24th Medicinal Chemistry Symposium
2008: Asian Core Program Lectureship Award from Thailand
2010: Asian Core Program Lectureship Award from China
2010: Asian Core Program Lectureship Award from Malaysia
2010: JSPC Award for Excellence
2011: Novartis Lecturer in Organic Chemistry
Research Interest: Design of molecules that have functions such as catalysis or biological activity.
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