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美国加州大学伯克利分校教授Thomas Maimone教授学术报告

应功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室邀请,美国加州大学伯克利分校教授Thomas Maimone来我校进行学术交流并讲学,欢迎参加。

报  告 人: Thomas J. Maimone教授

报告题目:Synthetic Studies Toward Complex Natural Products 

报告时间:2016年5月23日(星期一)上午 10:00



Prof. Maimone grew up in the small upstate town of Warsaw, NY. He pursued his undergraduate studies at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and after two years, transferred to UC-Berkeley and obtained the bachelor degree with high honors in chemistry. In 2005, he began his doctoral studies with Prof. Phil Baran at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA. In 2009, he was trained as a NIH Postdoctoral Fellow in the group of Prof. Steve Buchwald at MIT. Prof. Maimone returned to UC-Berkeley in 2012, and began his independent career as a Cupola Era Chair in Chemistry.

Prof. Maimone’s group is well known for the elegant synthesis of diverse natural products especially terpenoids. Research in his group explores new strategies in total synthesis to realize more rapid construction of bioactive molecules. Prof. Maimone is the recipient of numerous awards and honors including Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship (2015), American Cancer Society Research Scholar (2016), and the NSF CAREER Award (2016) and Cottrell Scholar (2016).


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