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报  告 人:巩雄 教授

报告题目:High Performance Solution-Processed Perovskite Solar Cells via Device Engineering and Novel Materials




Dr. Gong is a Professor of Polymer Engineering in the Department of Polymer Engineering of the College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at the University of Akron. Prior that, he was a manager and senior scientist of CBRITE Inc. and senior research scientist in the Center of Polymers and Organic Solids at University of California Santa Barbara. He received B.Sc. major in Chemistry, M.Sc. Major in Chemistry and Ph.D. major in Physics from China. He did his post-doc with Professor Alan Heeger, a Nobel Prize Laureate, in the Center of Polymers and Organic Solids at University of California Santa Barbara. He has accomplished about 200 articles published in the peer reviewed journals, with a peer citation ~20,000 times. He earned an H-index of 57. He also contributed 36 granted/pending patents, and 10 book chapters. Dr. Gong received many international and national awards and honors including the world's most influential scientific minds 2014, the top 1% mostly cited researchers in the years of 2014, 2015 and 2016 by Thomson Reuters, Outstand Research Award in the University of Akron, National Science Foundation (NSF) of USA Career award (2014) and NSF of China oversea outstanding Chinese youngest scientist award (2008).


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