美国百时美施贵宝(Bristol-Myers Squibb)公司高级研究员殷小天博士来我校进行学术交流并作学术报告,欢迎参加。
报 告 人: 殷小天 博士
报告题目: Pharmaceutical Polymorphism
报告时间: 6月9日(星期日)上午10:00
报告地点: 第二化学楼101报告厅
Dr. Shawn (Xiaotian) Yin received his PhD in Solid-State Chemistry from University of Waterloo, Canada. He then completed his Postdoctoral fellowship at Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Cornell University. Currently, Dr. Yin is a Senior Principal Scientist and the group leader of Form Chemistry group at Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. His research interests include pharmaceutical polymorphic form studies, pre-formulation/ formulation work, API crystallization, nanomaterials for drug delivery, physical characterizations of pharmaceutical substances and powder X-ray diffraction applications in pharmaceutical sciences. Dr. Yin has (co)-authored over 25 scientific publications and 15 patents. He serves as a scientific organization committee member for the Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray Diffraction Symposium. He has been named 2013 ICDD Fellow. Dr. Yin is also a frequent invited lecturer at international and domestic scientific conferences and workshops.
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