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应功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室邀请,德国Bielefeld University (比勒费尔德大学) Dietmar Kuck教授和香港中文大学Hak-Fun Chow教授来我校进行学术交流并作学术报告,欢迎参加。

报  告 人:  Prof. Dietmar Kuck

报告题目:  Recurring fascination in the centropolyindane chemistry

报  告 人:  Prof. Hak-Fun Chow 

报告题目:  Recent progress on nonplanar nanographenes based on the                     tribenzotriquinacene skeleton

报告时间:  2016年9月12日(星期一) 上午10:00

报告地点:  第二化学楼101报告厅

Dietmar Kuck教授简历

Prof. Kuck studied chemistry from 1968 to 1972 at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He received his doctoral degree from Bielefeld University in 1976 with Professor H.-F. Grützmacher. From 1978 to 2014, he had permanent scientific appointments at Bielefeld University (Academic Assistant, Academic Director 1985, Professor 2002). In 1983, he made a postdoc stay with Prof. N. M. M. Nibbering at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 1988, he received the Mattauch-Herzog Award for Mass Spectrometry (German Mass Spectrometry Society). From 1995 to 2000, he served as a Lecturer at the University of Paderborn, Germany. His research interests are (1) Gas-phase ion chemistry and mass spectrometry and (2) Synthetic organic chemistry and supramolecular chemistry of three-dimensional polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (“centropolyindanes”) and their derivatives. Scientific responsibilities (selected): member of the executive boards of the (1) German Mass Spectrometry Society (DGMS, 1995-1998, 2001-2013), (2) International Mass Spectrometry Foundation (IMSF, 2006-2012), (3) member of the advisory board of the Journal of Mass Spectrometry.

Hak-Fun Chow教授简历

Prof. Chow obtained his B.Sc. and M.Phil. degrees from the Department of Chemistry at the Chinese University in Hong Kong. In 1981, he obtained the Croucher Foundation Scholarship and began his PhD study in Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Ian Fleming at Cambridge between 1981-1984. Afterwards he then spent 1 year of postdoctoral study with Prof. Dieter Seebach at ETH-Zurich and another year with Prof. George W. J. Fleet at Oxford. In the years between 1987-1992, he worked as a research scientist in Dow-Elanco near Oxford, UK. He moved back to CUHK in 1992 to become a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, promoted to the position of Senior Lecturer in 1997, and a Professor in 2005. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and a Chartered Scientist of the Science Council, UK. He was a recipient of the Faculty Exemplary Teacher Award in 2001 and the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship in 2006. Currently he serves as the Director of the Center of Novel Functional Molecules and the China Regional Editor of Synlett. 


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