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英国帝国理工学院 Joshua B. Edel教授学术报告

应化学化工学院和功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室邀请,英国伦敦帝国理工学院 (Imperial College London)化学系 Joshua B. Edel教授来我校进行学术交流并作学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。


报  告 人:Joshua B. Edel 教授 

报告题目:From plasmonics to nanopores: novel strategies in molecular sensing

报告时间:2018年6月25日(星期一)上午 09:30



Prof. Joshua B. Edel received his BSc at University of British Columbia in 2000 and PhD at Imperial College London in 2004. Then he worked as Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Cornell University from 2004 to 2005 and as Research Fellow at Harvard University from 2005 to 2006. He joined the Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London as a lecturer in 2006 and was promoted as Professor of Biosensing and Analytical Sciences at Imperial College London since 2016. Prof. Joshua B. Edel obtained many prestigous awards, such as Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Award, ERC Starting Investigator Award, Imperial College Union Best Innovation Award, ERC Proof of Concept Award, President’s Prize for Excellence, ERC Consolidator Investigator Award and so on. He has published more than 20 papers in Nature Communications, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, and Nature Materials.


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