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韩国梨花女子大学 Juyoung Yoon 教授学术报告

应功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室和化学化工学院邀请,韩国科学院院士、梨花女子大学Juyoung Yoon教授来我校进行学术交流并讲学,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

报  告 人:Juyoung Yoon (尹柱荣) 教授

报告题目:Recent Progress on Activatable Photosensitizers and Fluorescent Probes

报告时间:2018年3月6日(星期二)下午 16:30



Prof. Juyoung Yoon received his PhD from the Department of Chemistry at The Ohio State University under the supervision of Prof. Anthony W. Czarnik in 1994. After completing postdoctoral research at UCLA under the guidance of Prof. Donald J. Cram and The Scripps Research Institute under the guidance of Prof. Janda D. Kim, he joined the faculty at Silla University in 1998. He moved to Ewha Womans University in 2002, where he is currently a Distinguished Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Nano Science. He has already been a member of Korean Academy of Sciences and Technology since 2014.

Prof. Yoon’s group is well known for fluorescence chemosensors, molecular recognition and organic functional materials. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honors such as Korean Chemical Society Award (2016). To date, Prof. Yoon has published 300 scientific publications, and he is also a listed inventor on over 50 Korean and international patents. Meanwhile, Prof. Yoon serves as the Editor for many famous journals as well.


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