报 告 人:张亮 研究员
报告题目:To Tie or Not to Tie
报告时间:2019年11月8日(星期五)下午 16:00
Dr Liang Zhang was born in Lanzhou, Gansu (China). He obtained his BSc and MSc from Fudan University under supervision of Prof. Zhanting Li and then joined Prof. David Leigh's group for a PhD degree in 2015 funded by President's Doctoral Scholar (PDS) Award from the University of Manchester. He completed his PhD in 2018 on synthesis and studying of topologically complex molecules and won the RSC Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry PhD Thesis Award, the CAS Future Leaders and the finalist of 2019 Reaxys PhD Thesis Prize. He then continued his research as a postdoctoral research associate in Prof. David Leigh's group in Manchester and a team leader in Leigh's East China Normal University. He joined East China Normal University in 2019 as a Zijiang Outstanding Young Professor.
Dr Zhang's research has focused on the use of self-assembly process to build up topologically complex molecules such as links and knots, and applying them to entangled polymers and soft materials. His research has been published on several international peer reviewed journals including Nat. Chem., PNAS, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem., etc.
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