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美国太平洋大学 (University of the Pacific) Skylar Carlson教授学术报告

应功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室、化学化工学院邀请,美国太平洋大学 (University of the Pacific) Skylar Carlson教授来我校进行交流并做学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

报 告  人: Prof. Skylar Carlson

报告题目:Natural Products Chemistry in the Carlson Lab: Metabolomics and Antibiotic Drug Discovery




Dr. Skylar Carlson is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA. She obtained her doctorate at the University of Illinois at Chicago in Pharmacognosy – the pursuit of new drugs from natural sources. She went on to isolate biofilm inhibitors from marine sponges at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and characterize coral reef chemical cues at the Smithsonian Marine Station. She is an associate editor at the Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and serves on the ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry’s Young Medicinal Chemists Committee and American Society of Pharmacognosy Executive Committee. She has provided undergraduate research opportunities for 73 undergraduates, 2 SEED, 5 Stauffer, 1 SURF and 3 master’s students.


Natural products remain a prolific source of approved drugs. Our focus is bringing undergraduates up to speed in interdisciplinary two primary research areas: metabolomics and antibiotic drug discovery. During the pandemic we utilized GCMS metabolomics to look at the composition of plant allelochemicals, LCMS metabolomics (GNPS) to analyze cyanobacterial natural products from Puerto Rico, and NMR metabolomics (MADBYTE) to analyze algal extracts implicated in shaping the bacterial microbiome. Recently, we have implemented a new LCMS metabolomics platform, MPACT, for comparing varied culture conditions of fungal strains. Since returning from the pandemic, we have built a library that contains hundreds of microorganisms isolated from geographically distinct areas. In my talk I will highlight the efforts of our students in this interdisciplinary field over the last five years.


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